Assessing and Measuring Caring in Nursing and Health Sciences Watson’s Caring Science Guide 3rd Edition Sitzman Test Bank
1.Introduction: Measuring Caring
2.Caring and Nursing Science: Contemporary Discourse
3.Overview of Research and Measurement of Caring
4.Background for Selection of Caring Instruments
Part II. Compilation and Summary Data of Each Instrument for Measuring Caring
5.Care-Q and Care/SAT
6.Caring Behaviors Inventory
7.Caring Behaviors Assessment Tool
8.Caring Behaviors of Nurses Scale
9.Professional Caring Behaviors
10.Nyberg Caring Assessment Scale
11.Caring Ability Inventoy
12.Caring Behavior Checklist and Client Perception of Caring
13.Caring Assessment Tools (new versions)
14.Peer Group Caring Interaction Scale and Organizational Climate for Caring Questionnaire
15.Caring Efficacy Scale
16.Holistic Caring Inventory
17.Caring Dimensions Inventory
18.Caring Attributes Professional Self-concept Technological Influence
19.Caring Professional Scale
20.Methodist Health Care System Nurse Caring Instrument
21. New Caring Scale Instrument by Jane Sumner La State University
22. Caring Factor Survey
23. Family Caring Inventory
24. Quinn et al Nurse-Patient Relationship Questionnaire
25. 2-3 new instruments under research
Part III: Challenges and Future Directions
26.The evolution of Measuring Caring: Toward Construct Validity
27. J Nelson: CFS as paradigm case. National data base update on selected instruments
28. Computerized Documentation of Caring Language
29.Postscript: Free thoughts on Caring Theories and Measuring Caring
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