- Ch. 1 The Making of Body and a Field: Introduction to Developmental Biology
- Ch. 2 Specifying Identity: Mechanisms of Developmental Patterning
- Ch. 3 Differential Gene Expression: Mechanisms of Cell Differentation
- Ch. 4 Cell-to-Cell Communication: Mechanisms of Cell Differentiation
- Ch. 5 Stem Cells: Their Potential and Their Niches
- Ch. 6 Sex Determination and Gametogenesis
- Ch. 7 Fertilization: Beginning a New Organism
- Ch. 8 Conceptualizing Early Development: Essential Processes
- Ch. 9 Snails, Flowers and Nematodes: Different Mechanisms for Similar Patterns of Specification
- Ch. 10 The Genetics of Axis Specification Drosophila
- Ch. 11 Sea Urchins and Tunicates
- Ch. 12 Amphibians and Fish
- Ch. 13 Birds and Mammals
- Ch. 14 Early Human Development
- Ch. 15 Neural Tube Formation and Patterning
- Ch. 16 Brain Growth
- Ch. 17 Neural Crest Cells and Axonal Specificity
- Ch. 18 Ectodermal Placodes and the Epidermis
- Ch. 19 Paraxial Mesoderm: The Somites and Their Derivatives
- Ch. 20 Intermediate and Lateral Plate Mesoderm: Heart, Blood, and Kidneys
- Ch. 21 Development of the Tatrapod Limb
- Ch. 22 The Endoderm: Tubes and organs for Digestion and Respiration
- Ch. 23 Metamorphosis: The Hormonal Reactivation of Development
- Ch. 24 Regeneration
- Ch. 25 The Environmental and Symbiotic Regulation of Development
- Ch. 26 Developmental Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change
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