1. Understanding Disability
2. Basic Principles of Developmental Theories and Demographic Changes
3. Major Demographic Changes and Ways in Which Disabilities Interact With Stages of Development
4. Pregnancy and Infancy
5. Toddlerhood and Early Childhood: Ages 18 Months to 5 Years
6. School Age: Ages 5 to 12 Years
7. Adolescence (Ages 13 to 18) and Emerging Adulthood (Ages 19 to 25)
8. Adulthood Ages (25 to 40) and Midlife (Ages 40 to 60)
9. The Young Elderly (Ages 60 to 75) and the Old Elderly (Ages 75 Until Death), and the Longevity Revolution or the Silver Tsunami
10. Connecting the Dots: Acquisition of a Disability as a Socially Sanctioned and Supported Developmental Task
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