Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine 9th Edition Lilly Irwin Boyle Test Bank


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Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine 9th Edition Lilly Irwin Boyle Test Bank

Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine 9th Edition Lilly Irwin Boyle Test Bank

Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine 9th Edition Lilly Irwin Boyle Test Bank is a comprehensive resource designed to help medical students, residents, and healthcare professionals enhance their understanding of critical care medicine. The test bank aligns with the content of the textbook, covering essential topics such as the management of critically ill patients, advanced therapeutic techniques, and evidence-based practices in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Chapter 1: Point-of-Care Critical Care Ultrasonographyp1-4

Chapter 2: Anesthesia for Bedside Proceduresp4-11

Chapter 3: Management of Pain in the Critically Illp11-22

Chapter 4: Therapeutic Paralysisp22-28

Chapter 5: Cerebrospinal Fluid Aspirationp29-38

Chapter 6: Central Venous Cathetersp38-53

Chapter 7: Arterial Line Placement and Carep54-64

Chapter 8: Airway Management and Endotracheal Intubationp64-81

Chapter 9: Tracheostomyp82-91

Chapter 10: Bronchoscopyp91-96

Chapter 11: Lung Ultrasonographyp97-102

Chapter 12: Thoracentesisp102-111

Chapter 13: Chest Tube Insertion and Carep111-118

Chapter 14: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitationp119-134

Chapter 15: Cardioversion and Defibrillationp135-140

Chapter 16: Critical Care Echocardiographyp140-146

Chapter 17: Pericardiocentesisp146-154

Chapter 18: Temporary Cardiac Pacingp155-160

Chapter 19: Pulmonary Artery Cathetersp161-175

Chapter 20: Gastrointestinal Endoscopyp176-183

Chapter 21: Endoscopic Placement of Feeding Tubesp183-189

Chapter 22: Gastroesophageal Balloon Tamponade for Acute Variceal Hemorrhagep190-195

Chapter 23: Paracentesis and Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavagep195-204

Chapter 24: Interventional Radiology: Percutaneous Drainage Techniquesp204-211

Chapter 25: Percutaneous Suprapubic Cystostomyp212-216

Chapter 26: Aspiration of the Knee and Synovial Fluid Analysisp216-221

Section 2: MINIMALLY INVASIVE MONITORINGp222-287Expandable section

Chapter 27: Routine Monitoring of Critically Ill Patientsp222-236

Chapter 28: Minimally Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoringp236-248

Chapter 29: Respiratory Monitoring During Mechanical Ventilationp248-261

Chapter 30: Neurologic Multimodal Monitoringp261-278

Chapter 31: Role of Tele-Critical Care in the Health Care Systemp279-287


Chapter 32: Palliative Care in the ICUp288-293

Chapter 33: Effective Communication and Ethical Decision-Making in the ICUp293-308

Chapter 34: Managing Symptoms in Critically Ill Patientsp308-321

Chapter 35: Being With Suffering: Addressing Existential and Spiritual Distressp321-327

Section 4: SHOCK, TRAUMA AND SEPSIS MANAGEMENTp328-422Expandable section

Chapter 36: Resuscitation From Shock Following Hemorrhagep328-341

Chapter 37: Trauma Systemsp341-347

Chapter 38: Management of Sepsisp347-358

Chapter 39: Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndromep358-362

Chapter 40: Traumatic Brain Injuryp363-370

Chapter 41: Spinal Cord Traumap371-380

Chapter 42: Thoracic and Cardiac Traumap381-393

Chapter 43: Critical Care of the Patient With Abdominal Traumap394-401

Chapter 44: Orthopedic Injuryp402-416

Chapter 45: Burn Managementp417-422

Section 5: SURGICAL PROBLEMS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITp423-466Expandable section

Chapter 46: Surgeon and Intensivist Collaboration in the Care of the ICU Patientp423-426

Chapter 47: Surgical Infections in the Intensive Care Unitp427-429

Chapter 48: Care of the Patient with Necrotizing Fasciitisp430-434

Chapter 49: The ICU Management of Patients Undergoing Major Surgery for Gastrointestinal Cancersp435-440

Chapter 50: The ICU Approach to the Acute Abdomenp440-443

Chapter 51: Abdominal Compartment Syndromep444-448

Chapter 52: Management of the Obstetrical Patient in the Intensive Care Settingp448-454

Chapter 53: Acute Limb Ischemia in the ICU Populationp454-459

Chapter 54: Palliative Surgery in the Intensive Care Unitp459-466

Section 6: TRANSPLANTATIONp467-605Expandable section

Chapter 55: Management of the Organ Donorp467-490

Chapter 56: Critical Care Problems in Kidney Recipientsp491-500

Chapter 57: Critical Care of Liver Transplant Recipients and Live Liver Donorsp501-515

Chapter 58: Critical Care of the Lung Transplant Recipientp515-529

Chapter 59: Critical Care Problems in Heart and Heart-Lung Transplant Recipientsp530-538

Chapter 60: Care of the Pancreas Transplant Recipientp538-553

Chapter 61: Critical Care of Intestinal Transplant Recipientsp553-561

Chapter 62: Immunosuppression in Solid-Organ Transplantationp562-569

Chapter 63: Hematopoietic Cell Transplantationp569-586

Chapter 64: Management of Graft-vs-Host Disease, Infection, Malignancy, and Rejection in Transplant Recipientsp586-605


Chapter 65: Rheumatologic Diseases in the Intensive Care Unitp606-630

Chapter 66: Vasculitis in the Intensive Care Unitp631-638

Chapter 67: Therapeutics in Immune-Mediated Rheumatic Diseasesp639-647

Chapter 68: Anaphylaxisp648-660

Chapter 69: Dermatology in the Intensive Care Unitp661-682


Chapter 70: Approach to Fever for the ICU Patientp683-689

Chapter 71: Prevention and Control of Health Care–­Acquired Infections in the Intensive Care Unitp690-697

Chapter 72: Use of Antimicrobials in the Treatment of Infection in the Critically Ill Patientp697-712

Chapter 73: Life-Threatening Community-Acquired Bacterial and Parasitic Infectionsp713-722

Chapter 74: Acute Infection in the Non–HIV-Infected Immunocompromised Hostp722-731

Chapter 75: Intensive Care of Patients With HIV Infectionp732-739

Chapter 76: Infectious Complications of Persons Who Inject Drugsp740-746

Chapter 77: Infective Endocarditis and Infections of Intracardiac Prosthetic Devicesp746-767

Chapter 78: Infections Associated With Vascular Cathetersp768-775

Chapter 79: Urinary Tract Infectionsp775-785

Chapter 80: Central Nervous System Infectionsp785-795

Chapter 81: Tuberculosisp796-803

Chapter 82: Serious Epidemic Viral Pneumoniasp804-815

Chapter 83: COVID-19: Presentation, Treatment, and Course of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection in the Intensive Care Unitp815-821

Chapter 84: Critical Care of Patients Infected With Ebola Virusp822-825

Chapter 85: Botulismp826-828

Chapter 86: Tetanusp829-831


Chapter 87: Disorders of Hemostasis in Critically Ill Patientsp832-847

Chapter 88: Transfusion Therapy: Blood Components and Transfusion Complicationsp848-856

Chapter 89: Anemia in the Critical Care Settingp856-870

Chapter 90: Thrombocytopeniap871-881

Chapter 91: Venous Thromboembolism and Associated Prothrombotic Disorders in the Intensive Care Unitp882-906

Chapter 92: Antithrombotic Pharmacotherapyp906-928

Chapter 93: Critical Care of Patients with Hematologic Malignanciesp928-939

Chapter 94: Oncologic Emergenciesp940-952

Chapter 95: Therapeutic Apheresis: Technical Considerations and Indications in Critical Carep952-963

Section 10: PHARMACOLOGY, OVERDOSES AND POISONINGSp964-1221Expandable section

Chapter 96: General Considerations in the Evaluation and Treatment of Poisoningp964-981

Chapter 97: Acetaminophen Poisoningp981-989

Chapter 98: Alcohols and Glycol Poisoningp989-1003

Chapter 99: Amphetaminesp1004-1011

Chapter 100: Antiarrhythmic Agentsp1011-1020

Chapter 101: Anticholinergic Poisoningap1021-1024

Chapter 102: Anticonvulsant Poisoningp1024-1033

Chapter 103: Antidepressant Poisoningp1033-1044

Chapter 104: Antipsychotic Poisoningp1045-1055

Chapter 105: β-Blocker Poisoningp1056-1060

Chapter 106: Calcium Channel Blocker Poisoningp1060-1066

Chapter 107: Cardiac Glycoside Poisoningp1067-1070

Chapter 108: Cholinergic Poisoningp1071-1076

Chapter 109: Cocaine Poisoningp1077-1082

Chapter 110: Corrosives Poisoningp1083-1087

Chapter 111: Heavy Metal Poisoningp1088-1101

Chapter 112: Hydrocarbon Poisoningp1102-1107

Chapter 113: Hydrofluoric Acid Poisoningp1108-1110

Chapter 114: Iron Poisoningp1110-1114

Chapter 115: Isoniazid Poisoningp1115-1118

Chapter 116: Lithium Poisoningp1119-1124

Chapter 117: Methylxanthine Poisoningp1124-1131

Chapter 118: Opioid Poisoningp1131-1139

Chapter 119: Pesticide-Herbicide Poisoningp1140-1154

Chapter 120: Phencyclidine and Hallucinogen Poisoningp1154-1160

Chapter 121: Salicylate and Other Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Poisoningp1161-1169

Chapter 122: Sedative-Hypnotic Agent Poisoningp1169-1177

Chapter 123: Terrestrial Envenomationsp1177-1189

Chapter 124: Therapeutic Agents for Overdoses and Poisonings1p1190-1210

Chapter 125: Withdrawal Syndromesp1210-1221

VOLUME 2p1222-2230Expandable section


Chapter 126: Planning and Organization for Emergency Mass Critical Carep1222-1229

Chapter 127: Chemical Agents of Mass Destructionp1229-1239

Chapter 128: The Management of Acute Radiation Casualtiesp1239-1249

Chapter 129: Critical Care Consequences of Weapons (or Agents) of Mass Destruction—Biological Agents of Mass Destructionp1249-1272


Chapter 130: Intensive Care Unit Design: Current Standards and Future Trendsp1273-1285

Chapter 131: Intensive Care Unit Organization and Managementp1285-1294

Chapter 132: Critical Care Information Systems (Systems of Engagement and Insight): Structure, Function, and Futurep1295-1304

Chapter 133: Defining and Measuring Patient Safety in the Critical Care Unitp1305-1313

Chapter 134: Assessing the Impact of Critical Care: Outcomes Research and Methodologies in the Current Erap1314-1324

Chapter 135: Blockchain Technology and Medical Device Security in the Intensive Care Unitp1325-1329

Section 13: ENDOCRINE PROBLEMS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITp1330-1396Expandable section

Chapter 136: Management of Hyperglycemia in Critically Ill Patientsp1330-1337

Chapter 137: Diabetic Comas: Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Statep1338-1349

Chapter 138: Hypoglycemiap1350-1364

Chapter 139: Hypoadrenal Crisis and the Stress Management of the Patient on Chronic Steroid Therapyp1365-1368

Chapter 140: Disorders of Mineral Metabolismp1368-1374

Chapter 141: Severe Hyperthyroidismp1375-1378

Chapter 142: Myxedema Comap1378-1382

Chapter 143: Nonthyroidal Illness Syndrome (Sick Euthyroid Syndrome) in the Intensive Care Unitp1382-1396

Section 14: NEUROLOGIC PROBLEMS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITp1397-1498Expandable section

Chapter 144: An Approach to Neurologic Problems in the Intensive Care Unitp1397-1400

Chapter 145: Evaluating the Patient With Altered Consciousness in the Intensive Care Unitp1400-1415

Chapter 146: Metabolic Encephalopathyp1416-1424

Chapter 147: Mental Status Dysfunction in the Intensive Care Unit: Postoperative Cognitive Impairmentp1424-1428

Chapter 148: Generalized Anoxia/Ischemia of the Nervous Systemp1429-1432

Chapter 149: Cerebrovascular Diseasesp1432-1442

Chapter 150: Subarachnoid Hemorrhagep1443-1449

Chapter 151: Status Epilepticusp1449-1457

Chapter 152: Guillain-Barré Syndromep1457-1466

Chapter 153: Myasthenia Gravis in the Intensive Care Unitp1467-1475

Chapter 154: Newly Acquired Weakness in the Intensive Care Unit: Critical Illness Myopathy and Neuropathyp1475-1478

Chapter 155: Neuro-oncological Problems in the Intensive Care Unitp1479-1491

Chapter 156: Miscellaneous Neurological Problems in the Intensive Care Unitp1491-1498

Section 15: PSYCHIATRIC ISSUES IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITp1499-1547Expandable section

Chapter 157: Diagnosis and Treatment of Agitation and Delirium in the Intensive Care Unit Patientp1499-1507

Chapter 158: Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety in the Intensive Care Unit Patientp1508-1515

Chapter 159: Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in the Intensive Care Unit Patientp1516-1533

Chapter 160: Managing the Suicidal Patient in the Intensive Care Unitp1534-1536

Chapter 161: Problematic Behaviors of Patients, Family, and Staff in the Intensive Care Unitp1537-1543

Chapter 162: Recognition and Management of Staff Stress in the Intensive Care Unitp1543-1547

Section 16: PULMONARY PROBLEMS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITp1548-1866Expandable section

Chapter 163: Acute Respiratory Failure Due to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Pulmonary Edemap1548-1565

Chapter 164: Acute Respiratory Failure in Pregnancyp1566-1581

Chapter 165: Extrapulmonary Causes of Respiratory Failurep1582-1592

Chapter 166: Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Extracorporeal Life support for Respiratory Failurep1593-1611

Chapter 167: Mechanical Ventilation—Part II: Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation for the Adult Hospitalized Patientp1611-1628

Chapter 168: Discontinuation of Mechanical Ventilationp1629-1638

Chapter 169: Respiratory Adjunctive Therapiesp1639-1654

Chapter 170: Aspirationp1654-1660

Chapter 171: Drowningp1660-1666

Chapter 172: Acute Exacerbation of Asthmap1666-1678

Chapter 173: Critical Care of Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasep1679-1686

Chapter 174: Pulmonary Hypertension in the Intensive Care Unitp1687-1693

Chapter 175: Managing Hemoptysisp1694-1703

Chapter 176: Pleural Diseases of the Critically Ill Patientp1704-1719

Chapter 177: Gas Embolism Syndromesp1720-1733

Chapter 178: Acute Inhalational Injuriesp1733-1749

Chapter 179: Chest Radiographic Examinationp1750-1772

Chapter 180: Severe Upper Airway Infectionsp1772-1785

Chapter 181: Acute Infectious Pneumoniap1786-1813

Chapter 182: Interventional Pulmonary in the Intensive Care Unitp1814-1827

Chapter 183: Sleep Issues in the Intensive Care Unit Settingp1828-1839

Chapter 184: Disorders of Temperature Control, Part I: Hypothermiap1840-1852

Chapter 185: Disorders of Temperature Control, Part II: Hyperthermiap1853-1866

Section 17: CARDIOVASCULAR PROBLEMS AND CORONARY CAREp1867-2032Expandable section

Chapter 186: Evolution of the Modern Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unitp1867-1872

Chapter 187: Unstable Angina/Non–ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, the Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromesp1872-1885

Chapter 188: ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarctionp1886-1904

Chapter 189: Mechanical Complications of Myocardial Infarctionp1904-1911

Chapter 190: Management of Acute Decompensated Heart Failurep1911-1923

Chapter 191: Pharmacological Management of Shock and Hypotensionp1924-1940

Chapter 192: Mechanical Circulatory Support for Cardiogenic Shockp1940-1958

Chapter 193: Valvular Heart Diseasep1958-1976

Chapter 194: Acute Aortic Syndromesp1976-1993

Chapter 195: Management of the Cardiac Arrest Survivorp1994-2003

Chapter 196: Management of Common Arrhythmias in the Intensive Care Unitp2004-2020

Chapter 197: Management of Cardiac Devices in the ICUp2021-2032

Section 18: RENAL PROBLEMS IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNITp2033-2129Expandable section

Chapter 198: Metabolic Acidosis and Metabolic Alkalosisp2033-2043

Chapter 199: Disorders of Plasma Sodium and Plasma Potassiump2044-2068

Chapter 200: Acute Kidney Injury in the Intensive Care Unitp2069-2091

Chapter 201: Renal Replacement Therapy for the Critically Illp2092-2106

Chapter 202: Ultrasonography for the Evaluation of the Urinary Systemp2106-2109

Chapter 203: Drug Dosing in Renal and Hepatic Failure: A Pharmacokinetic Approach to the Critically Ill Patientp2109-2129


Chapter 204: Gastrointestinal Bleedingp2130-2137

Chapter 205: Stress Ulcer and Acid Peptic Diseasep2138-2143

Chapter 206: Nausea and Vomitingp2144-2152

Chapter 207: Gastrointestinal Motility of the Critically Ill Patientp2153-2160

Chapter 208: Hepatic Dysfunction and Liver Failurep2160-2171

Chapter 209: Severe and Complicated Biliary Tract Diseasep2171-2175

Chapter 210: Acute Pancreatitisp2176-2184

Chapter 211: Diarrhea and Constipationp2185-2192

Chapter 212: Fulminant Colitis and Toxic Megacolonp2193-2198

Section 20: METABOLISM AND NUTRITIONp2199-2230Expandable section

Chapter 213: Nutritional Therapy in the Critically Ill Patientp2199-2203

Chapter 214: Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition in the Intensive Care Unitp2204-2219

Chapter 215: Disease-Specific Nutritionp2219-2230



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