Showing 1–12 of 17 results


Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination 12th Edition Test Bank

Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking 12th Edition Test Bank provides easy step by step interventions for patient interviewing, assessing, diagnostics, decision making, and critical thinking skills to guide the learner to successfully applying evidence based practice treatment throughout the lifespan.

Bates’ Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking 13th Edition Bickley Test Bank

Bates' Guide To Physical Examination and History Taking 13th Edition Bickley Test Bank provides learners comprehensive rational rich questions applicable to the physical examinations with a special focus on decision making approaches, diagnostics, data gathering, diverse population care, and managing/treating health disorders throughout the lifespan. Pass your classes with ease  with this great study source!

Beckmann and Ling’s Obstetrics and Gynecology 8th Edition Casanova Test Bank

Instantly download the latest Test Bank for Beckmann and Ling's Obstetrics and Gynecology 8th Edition (978-1496353092) today, or search our site for other nursing test banks. Beckmann and Ling's Obstetrics and Gynecology nursing test bank provides the foundational knowledge medical students need to complete an Ob/Gyn rotation, pass national standardized exams, and competently care for women in clinical practice. We Provide Test Banks And Solution Manuals Only.

Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology 7th Edition Callahan Test Bank

Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology 7th Edition Callahan Test Bank offers students concise resources for the obstetrics, gynecology rand evidence based practice in order to succeed in their professional roles as a physician assistant, nurse practitioner  and more! Learn the topics of maternal management of disease, disorders, treatments, and education before, during, and after labor. Pass your courses with ease with this great study source!

Brunner & Suddarth Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14th Edition Hinkle, Cheever Test Bank

Brunner & Suddarth Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing 14th Edition Hinkle, Cheever Test Bank UNIT 1  Principles of Nursing Practice Chapter

Canadian Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 2nd Edition Ricci Carman Kyle Test Bank

Canadian Maternity and Pediatric Nursing 2nd Edition Ricci Carman Kyle Test Bank provides learners comprehensive rational rich questions applicable to the health care environment with a special focus on  child’s and mother's development. In addition, apply evidence-based interventions, education on maintenance and prevention of disease, and quality and safety as well as emerging roles for the advanced practice nurse. Pass your classes with ease  with this great study source!

Community and Public Health Nursing 2nd Edition Harkness, DeMarco Test Bank

Community and Public Health Nursing 2nd Edition Harkness, DeMarco Test Bank Community and Public Health Nursing 2nd Edition Harkness, DeMarco

Essentials of Maternity, Newborn, and Women’s Health Nursing 5th Edition Ricci Test Bank

Essentials of Maternity Newborn and Women's Health Nursing 5th Edition Ricci Test Bank provides learners comprehensive rational rich questions applicable to the health care environment with a special focus on maternal health care, evidence-based research, interventions and cultural considerations for providing women's healthcare throughout the spectrum of disorders, understanding care through maternity/newborn, and preparation needed to provide safe care for the emerging roles for the advanced practice nurse. Pass your classes with ease  with this great study source!

Essentials of Nursing Research Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice 9th Edition Polit Test Bank

Essentials of Nursing Research Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice 9th Edition Polit Test Bank provides updated research methods to help students read, critique, develop research, and understand the language of the medical profession with detailed questions targeting the important concepts of the chapters.  Pass your classes with ease with this great study source!

Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 3rd edition Kyle, Carman Test Bank

Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 3rd edition Kyle, Carman Test Bank Chapter 1: Introduction to Child Health and Pediatric Nursing Chapter

Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 4th Edition Kyle Carman Test Bank

Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 4th Edition Kyle Carman Test Bank helps students develop the clinical reasoning, thinking. and practice  utilizing the nursing process ,concept-based approach and builds students’ understanding in the concepts of children and family healthcare settings. Rationale rich questions created to help students understand concepts and apply in healthcare settings. Pass your classes with ease with this great study source!

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare 4th Edition Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt Test Bank

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare 4th Edition Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt Test Bank Chapter 1 Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice